Hi, I'm Ines Norman. 

I’m a Senior Product Designer. I have a variety of skills including Project Management, Product, UX, and UI design. 

In my spare time I like to experiment with all things art, and I’m currently building a food forest in our backyard.

Got a question?

Email me at hello@inesnorman.com.



I’m currently working at REA Group as a Senior Product Designer.

My goal in life is to “design for good”. This means creating products that contribute to helping others in their journeys; whether it be helping them find a property, or aiding in their health journeys. 

I’m always working on improving my skills. I have completed short courses in Information Visualisation (IDF), Animation (RMIT) and UX design (Tractor).

At University I earned a Bachelor of Media and Communications studying Advertising (RMIT) and participated in an exchange program studying Kreativ Kommunikations at Danmarks Medie-og Journalisthøjskole in Copenhagen, Denmark. 



I’ve just returned to full time work, and my partner Kent is on paternity leave till November with our youngest (born in Feb).

My partner will be reopening his mobile personal training business in November. Check out Kenako (It’s Time) in the Brimbank area if you’re interested in 1-1 training sessions, special needs & kids fitness programs, 1-1 gymnastic training sessions, or elderly and aged-care fitness sessions. You can enquire here.